
Sunday services

Every Sunday at 11 am.

Small groups

The small groups are a place to share life and make friends.

Norkirken Kongsberg

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God’s love to everyone

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Staff and leaders

Renting Norkirken




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Staff and leaders

In Norkirken we have several staff members, who, together with the many volunteers, help run the the church.

The board is made up of two groups; the operational leadership and the spiritual leadership. The operational leadership is responsible for all decisions that have to do with the practical operation of Norkirken, while the spiritual leadership is responsible for the congregation’s spiritual life.

In Norkirken we have many volunteers who use their gifts to serve in the congregation. Here you can see an overview of the main leaders who are responsible for different groups, teams, deacon work and running Norkirken.

Ingvald Løvdal

Administrative co-worker

Helge Skaaheim


Silje Elisabeth Dammann

Youth director

The board

Main leaders